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In almost any country small businesses are the backbone of the economy. They are an important part of the business landscape and crucial to the existence of the middle class in society.

How many small businesses are in the United Kingdom? What is their average turnover? What are the most popular sectors? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in our analysis of the UK small business market.

In this article, we have collected interesting statistics and facts that demonstrate the importance of this class of entrepreneurs.

99% of businesses in the UK are SMEs

Did you know that 99 percent of businesses in the UK are SMEs? They bring jobs, wealth and tax income to the country.

According to the Business population estimates for the UK and regions 2023, there are 5.51 million SMEs, which make up 99.9% of UK private sector businesses. 

Number of small businesses in the UK

Average turnover of micro and small businesses

Micro businesses with 1-9 employees reported an average turnover of £446,872 per year, while small companies with 10 or more employees reported an average turnover of £2,802,670 in 2022.

UK small business turnover statistics
How much do small businesses in the United Kingdom earn a year? Source: Nimblefins

53% of UK business turnover is generated by SMEs

SMEs account for over half (53%) of UK business turnover and three fifths (61%) of private sector employment.

Best UK cities for business
The Top-10 best UK cities to start a small business, source:

Small business number is growing

The growth in the UK’s small business population has been driven by a 68% increase in very small businesses with no employees.

Chart by Merchant Savvy

Micro-business survival rate

According to the UK government, micro-businesses with fewer than 9 employees closed at the highest rate – 11.3%. Larger small businesses have a better survival rate, with only 3.4% closing annually.

SME employers cited market competition (46%), red tape (43%) and taxation (40%) as the main barriers to growth.

How many SMEs in the UK?

The number of UK SMEs was highest at the beginning of 2020:

UK Small Business Statistics: Numbers, Trends and Insights
Number of SMEs in the UK, 2014-2023, chart: FinderUK

UK SMEs by regions

London is the region with the most SMEs in the UK.

Small business in the UK by regions
Number of SMEs by UK region, 2023, source:

20% of SMEs choose to work remotely

By the end of May 2024, about one in five (19%) companies said they either use or intend to use increased home work as a permanent business model in the future.

Business Insights and Conditions Survey (BICS) Team
Businesses population in the United Kingdom
UK Businesses population, employment & turnover by business size, source: Merchant Savvy

Business Openings vs Business Closures

During these 2 years, 94,985 more businesses closed than were created. New business openings remained relatively low in the third quarter of 2023, but there were nearly 10,000 more openings than closings during this period. 

New businesses vs business clothures in Great Britain
UK Company Formations/Death (Q1 2017 – Q3 2023), source: Merchant Savvy

Gender distribution in business management

According to Forbes, 24% of SMEs in the UK are defined as “equally run”, with an equal number of men and women on the management team.

Business numbers per capita in the UK

There were 1.0 million businesses in London in January 2023, equal to 1,477 businesses per 10,000 resident adults. —

How many businesses are led by women?

According to the 2023 Rose Review Progress Report, just over 20 percent of all new businesses were led by women in 2022, up from 17 percent in 2018. — NatWest

UK Business birth rates by regions

In 2022, London, the North East, and Wales and Northern Ireland were the only regions to have more business births than business deaths. 

Small business births and deads
Business births and deaths by region and country, source:

SMEs raised £4.6 billion in 2023

In the first half of 2023, the total amount of capital raised by small business owners was £4.6 billion, a sharp 70% drop from the £15.3 billion raised in the same period in 2022. —

24% of SMEs nervous about the future

UK businesses and entrepreneurs are feeling nervous about the future, according to the survey, which revealed that 24% of respondents see economic instability as their biggest concern. 

The most common legal form of SMEs

There are three main legal forms of businesses in the private sector; sole proprietorships, ordinary partnerships, and companies. Sole proprietorships are the most common legal form:

Most common business legal forms in the UK
Number of UK private sector businesses with and without employees, by legal status (early 2023, source:

Number of SMEs per economic sector

The number of businesses considered to be SMEs active in each sector of the UK economy:

Business in the UK by sectors
Number of SMEs per UK Economic Sector, image by Forbes

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Anastasiia Ogurtsova

Anastasiia, a marketing manager passionate about entrepreneurship, shares industry trends and tips to help international entrepreneurs thrive in the UK market.